- Academic Calender
- Academic Units
- Admission
- Architecture
- Bioengineering
- Biology
- Business Administration
- Campuses
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- City & Regional Planning
- Civil Engineering
- Communication Design
- Computer Education and Instructional Technologies
- Computer Engineering
- Control and Automation Engineering
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics & Communications Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- EU Office
- Faculty of Art & Design
- Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
- Faculty of Civil Engineering
- Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Electrical & Electronics
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Foreign Language Education
- General Information
- General Secretary
- Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Industrial Engineering
- Informatics
- Institute of Science & Technology
- Institute of Social Sciences
- International Relations Office
- IT Department
- Library
- Marine Engineering Operations
- Mathematical Engineering
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
- Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Political Science & International Relations
- Principles of Kemalism and Modern Turkish History
- School of Foreign Languages
- School of Vocational Studies
- Sigma
- Statistics
- Student Affairs
- Turkish Language
- Turkish Language & Literature
- Vision/ Mision
- Web Mail
- Western Languages & Literatures
- YTU Logo
- Communication Design
Head of Department
Assoc. Prof. Ayça ÜNLÜER
Deputy Head of Department
Assoc. Prof. Bahadır UÇAN
Asst. Prof. Umut Burcu TASA YURTSEVER
Erasmus Coordinator
Assoc. Prof. İbrahim O. AKINCI
Farabi Coordinator
Res. Asst. Çağatay BİLSEL
Mevlana Coordinator
Res. Asst. Çağatay BİLSEL
© YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY - 34349 Beşiktaş - İstanbul / +90 212 383 70 70